Friday, April 18, 2008

flotsam friday

Just a soupcon of flotsam today…

This is NOT FUNNY.

Everybody cast your votes! (Thanks, Mary. And no, it has nothing to do with Hillary/Obama. We're all exhausted ...)

Have you finished your Passover gift shopping yet? If not, MsKrit alerts us to these very special items.

Today’s newspaper was chock full of dreary, terrifying news about the economy and believe me, we’re feeling it. How are we going to pay for the electric fence we are having installed at this very moment? We have no idea. Things are a little tense around the house this morning and Jack doesn’t even know yet how his world is about to rocked. All he knows is that there are strange men in the backyard and he’s stuck in the house.

But I digress. I mention the newspaper mostly to show you this photo, the most entertaining thing in today’s paper. What’s the deal with the hoochie mama topiaries? Dallas is SO conflicted about sex….

And finally, huzzah! Not only is Dr. Phil finally, really tumbling from grace, but this MSN reaming actually mentions our book! Now, everybody run out and buy a copy!

OK, let’s get out there an EARN SOME MONEY! Jack-y needs a new pair of shoes. (Or something. He always needs something. A bath, for example.)


Chelle Cordero said...

Wow, cool! (of course they should have mentioned the author!!!!) Kudos.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I loved the bad LP cover site. Polyester awesomeness.

What's going on in that picture, are the people running through the rain from the other night? Interesting location to pick...

Sophie said...

Yeah, it's the storms (the one you prepared for with ice cream--very funny). I guess it's the AA Center. I don't know what the titty topiaries are all about...

Lisa said...

Hi Sofia,
I LOVED the LP cover site! I voted for "All My Friends Are Dead", which made me spray toast crumbs of laughter all over my couch.
We went to A&D together, although we didn't know each other. I live in Oakland, so I get together with Terese when I can get up to Petaluma. She keeps telling me that you and I should chat about our dogs - apparently we're dealing with some similar dog-related issues. I'm glad to find your blog.

Sophie said...

I'm glad to have you here, Lisa! Your last name begins with H, yes? (You were on the A&D list for a while?)
You have an aggressive dog? Or one that just costs you money every time you turn around?
I can't remember what I voted for, now. It might have been the Kings Three (or four, but who's counting). Or it might have been Let Me Touch Him. Gosh they're all so good it's hard to choose.

Iggy said...

Some thoughts on those Christian Covers:

1) Christian Crusaders With Al Davis:
Why doesn't anyone want to stand next to the portly crusader?

2) Let Me Touch Him - The Ministers Quartet:
If any group portrait ever screamed pedophilia...

3) The Reverend In Rhythm - Father Robert White:
He seems to have modeled himself after Hugh Hefner. ("Hi, I'm Father Robert White and welcome to the church.").

4) Marcy Sings:
They were later excommunicated from their church for the love that dare not speak its name.

Lisa said...

Hi, Sophia,
Imagine my embarrassment when I saw that I had spelled your name wrong...THAT'S no way to make new friends (and Teri's too, and she and I have been friends since 7th grade)!
Yeah, I'm Lisa Hiltbrand. I posted a few times on the A&D list a few times, but every time I did, Ruben would say something like "Oh yeah, you're the one who looked like Audrey", which made me feel weirdly retroactively invisible, so I gave up.
Diego (my dog) is my heart's delight, and it's not so much an aggressive thing as that he's got such intense separation anxiety that I spend a lot of time figuring out how I can leave him alone without Animal Control visiting me,suspecting some kind of voodoo animal torture going on. One officer said, in an awestruck voice, "It sounds like he's DYING in there". He's got ISSUES. And yes, those issues have led to some pretty big expenditures - Prozac isn't cheap, even for dogs. Not that it helps, much. Nothing seems to, and I've tried everything. Classes, trainers, plug-ins of lactating females (I swear). I keep thinking that it will abate as he gets older, but he's five now, and still gets so stressed he vomits when I leave him, usually on something that can't be cleaned. Love is funny, huh?
I gather your dog's problem is aggression?

Sophie said...

It's difficult to know what to do once you've cast in your lot with a difficult dog. It's not like I'm going to euthanize him...we just have to keep working with him and assure ourselves that it will only be another 10 years or so. Maybe less. Ours has fear aggression. He's not mean as much as he is scared so he has a Cujo act he puts on to scare people off. Actually, he's very sweet to guests unless they try to pet him. He hates that. Even when he gives them cutey-pie puppy dog eyes. He hates most other dogs, too. Really, really hates them.

Iggy said...

Hi Lisa. Sorry if I made you feel invisible, but that's how I remembered you from back in the day. Bygones?

Lisa said...

What is one to do? We've taken the responsibility for these guys; giving up is not an option. On the other hand, I often think of what a friend said, "A dog isn't supposed to make your life SMALLER".

Diego's good with other dogs, unless they get close to me. He has the strong belief, that he can't be talked out of, that it is his job to protect me from all others. We're okay at the dog park, as long as I can keep him chasing his ball far from me, and stay away from all friendly advances from others, and never, ever sit down. He has me well trained. But we've had to leave the dog park in disgrace a few times.
How do you get him out and exercised? It helps my anxious guy a lot to get that energy out. Luckily, he's completely obsessed with chasing balls, so as long as I have a chucker and space, we're good. If I could take him out and run him for a few hours in the morning, he would do much better being left. Unfortunately, I teach middle school in Oakland, and have to be at school by 7:30, and it's just not a great city for long rambles at four in the morning.

Lisa said...

Ruben, but of course.

Sophie said...

List, e-mail me at sdtex2001 at and we'll dogtalk.

Sophie said...

Oops--I misspelled your name even worse than you misspelled mine. We're even now. I mean Lisa.