Friday, April 11, 2008

flotsam friday

I’m having an intermittent problem with my e-mails not hitting their destinations. And you know what intermittent means—tech support will not believe me because the tests I sent to “Jason” arrived, of course. He said things like, “Sometimes when you type the wrong e-mail address…” C’mon, Jason. Don’t you think I checked that? If I coulda reached through the phone line and throttled him…

So what do I do now other than slump at my desk?

Anyway, if you’re wondering why I didn’t respond to your e-mail, I probably did.

This is an exciting weekend in Duncanville, where the second-annual Texas Open Bonspiel will take place. And you know what that means, don’t you? Yes indeed, the Duncanville will be all abuzz with curlers from across the country! (Read all about it here.) Perhaps I can persuade a couple to come sweep my kitchen floor. Talk about flotsam--Jack tracks in all kinds of mess on his giant feet that we're not allowed to touch.

Got an email with this subject line the other day: Save 15% on Col-Pure at The Collagen Store Grand Opening!

The Collagen Store?

Cartoon du jour.

So, evidently and not surprisingly, the same newspaper decline that’s occurring here is also happening in France. But those French journalists are not gonna take it sitting down. They’re striking! Yeah, like that’s gonna help…

Here’s a new book concept that I find totally bizarre and yet bizarrely compelling:

Most controversial book ever launches later next week

New York City, NY “Rape, Cancer, Death, and Divorce. Can you imagine being grateful for any of these things? Finally a book that transforms the human experience according to creator of the Thank God I series”, John Castagnini.

“Thank God I, soon to be the largest inspirational book series since Chicken Soup for the Soul, unites a world-wide community of individuals to share personal stories of gratitude for their past adversities. Thousands of writers will reveal gut-wrenching accounts of how they transformed perceived crisis into blessings” added Castagnini.


Chelle Cordero said...

Do ALL tech support centers have a "Jason"??? Otherwise I keep getting the same guy.

Sophie said...

Maybe it's the same guy. Does he have a Chinese accent?