Tuesday, September 2, 2008

theoretical money

I have lots of theoretical money right now. You know, money earned and invoiced but not yet paid. Every day I open my PO box with hope, every day those hopes are deflated. I actually cussed aloud today, startling a woman standing nearby.

Oh, I'll give a shout-out to the Dallas Morning News. They pay promptly. But they also pay on publication, so many stories I’ve written but have not yet run are as yet unpaid for. That’s frustrating but that’s the beast of pay on pub. Ordinarily, I don’t accept pay on pub work but the DMN is grandfathered in.

Other clients are just dragging their feet and now all the monthly bills are due and all my money is theoretical, which is making me crazy. One invoice is five days from the 60-day mark. I’m told the check is in the mail. Mm-hmm. Another is dated May 28. Another will hit 30 days on Thursday so it’s still within the bounds of on-time, but just barely.

I assume that these companies manage to pay their rent and utilities bills on time. Otherwise, they would be evicted or left to sit in the dark. But there’s nothing I can do but nag, wait and worry. One friend suggested we go on strike, but I fear nobody would notice if I did.

After inquiring about a late payment, this friend got an email from an editor saying, in essence, “if you need this money to pay bills, then we are not the client for you.”

Holy cow.

Sadly, the money owed me is long since spent. Once it arrives, it will fly right back out. And the cycle will start again.

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1 comment:

Chelle Cordero said...

I once refused to pay the bill for my newspaper subscription until money owed me from same paper was in my hot little hands - the invoices were only 90-days ago and the work even before that.

Well, long story short, they cancelled my subsciption!

I've freelanced for many different departments with this same paper and most of them are a lot more timely with payments. Oh and the newspaper subscription was reinstated - after I paid the bill!