Saturday, September 20, 2008

rocket scientists for palin

Presumably, this guy thinks Sarah Palin goes to the supermarket because, you know, she's a chick. I have to wonder when she has time. I think this guy actually supports MR. Palin for vice president, since he probably handles that little household duty. Or maybe he supports the Palins' household help.

And that, of course, is aside from the whole question as to whether we want regular schlemiels in the White House. Me, I want very very smart people in there. People a whole helluvalot smarter than me. It doesn't take much intelligence to go grocery shopping so that's not on my list of requirements for political office.

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1 comment:

Chelle Cordero said...

If I can go by what a former Alaskan resident recently told me, she probably does go to the supermarket because it's one of the places she won't run into the "common folk" - many of them can't afford to shop there.

-NOT a Palin supporter!