Thursday, September 4, 2008

palin's big night

I sat through all the speeches last night, to get to know the other side a little better. What a crappy evening I had. There’s nothing likable about that bunch, as far as I’m concerned. And they like me no better. Evidently, as a liberal, I can’t even call myself an American.

According to one speaker (was it Huckabee? Giuliani? All the mean-spiritedness has blurred into one hateful creature) this election, “won’t be decided by the liberal media or Hollywood celebrities but by AMERICANS.” Hm, so are members of the media and Hollywood celebrities illegal aliens? Creatures from outer space? French?

The was something chilling about the enormous crowd chanting, “drill, baby, drill.” I expected to see pitchforks and flaming torches. KILL that environment! Drill it DEAD! We want HUMMERS!

Of course the star of the show was Sarah Palin, who was no more appealing to me than the rest of them, though I will concede her hotness. But the crowd loved her. They LOVED her. She’s a “hockey mom” and is there anything more exalted in this society than a mom of any sort? It’s a shortcut to credibility and lovability. Yes, well, it doesn’t mean anything in this context. Palin’s speech was full of entertaining one-liners and zingers but I didn’t hear anything that gave me any faith in her ability to be second in command of my country.

But I sure wish I felt more confident about Democrats’ ability to win this election. Yes, I have hope. Is that all I have, though?

Maybe if I were blinded by Obama’s light, I’d feel differently and could be as confident as my friends who have drunk the Kool-Aid. But while I see his appeal and support his candidacy, the smoke and mirrors aspect is even more frightening to me now that he has an equally appealing (to the other side) shadow opponent. It seems increasingly like rhetoric vs. rhetoric, a beauty pageant and popularity contest.

The evil, God-hating media is digging as hard as it can to find Palin’s skeletons, but I’m putting a lot of faith in the VP debate now. Go, Joe, go. Please.

On a related but basically irrelevant subject, I wonder what poor Levi Johnston was thinking as he stood there on that stage, chomping on gum, roped into a situation he couldn’t possibly have imagined when he pulled out his dick five months ago.

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Anonymous said...

I can't stand the snake handling bitch. The whole convention looks like Joel Olsteen's mega church. Dems in a landslide. Anyone associated with W come November is toast. Where's my atheist candidate?

Sophie said...

We'll have a transvestite candidate before we have an atheist candidate.

I hope you're right and I raise my coffee cup to you.

Ruth said...

Don't want to pull the conversation away from the lipsticked attack dog, but did anybody else notice how bad McCain is looking? Also, he and Palin look very uncomfortable together. Kind of like a shotgun marriage.

Sophie said...

McCain always looks pasty and weird to me. Tom commented on how creepy it was to see a presidential nominee kiss the VP nominee.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, it looked more like an old traditional church. The Palin kids didn't want to be there. Poor Levi. Hope the sex lasted more than 2 minutes.

Sophie said...

Actually, it was a pit bull with lipstick, which makes me wonder if breed-specific legislation might be the answer...

Unknown said...

Oh, gosh, that sounds horrifying. Now I'm glad I missed it.