Tuesday, September 16, 2008

balinese room

Some of you might remember the mighty power I have to wreak havoc on places I visit.

I feel just terrible about Galveston.

I am particularly sad about the destruction of the Balinese Room, a historic nightclub that rambled out 600 feet from Seawall Boulevard. It was a gambling hotspot in the 1940s and '50s. After sitting neglected for years, it was being revived as a rock club. But then came Ike ...

I took a few photos of the Balinese on my recent visit to the island. Let's take a moment to pay our respects.

Such a pity.

A couple of regular readers here with a more intimate connection with the region have blogged about Ike and the coast. Here is Karen's post, and here is Cynthia's. I'm so sorry, friends. But Galveston arose from the rubble once before and we know it will do so again.

OK, to lighten the mood a little, here's the Letter to the Editor du jour:

I can just picture this guy with a long list of networks he's boycotting. ABC? Check. CNN? Check. NBC. Check.

All Fox all the time, I guess.

Digg my article


Unknown said...

When I read letters like that, I have to wonder if I'm on the same planet as some of those folks. He wanted her to have NOTES? WTF?


Unknown said...

Wow, Mr. Roedema, you're right. Those glasses DID look stupid. That's it, I've had it with bad glasses on journalists! I'm voting for McCain!

Sophie said...

I'm canceling my subscription to all media.