Friday, July 11, 2008

i annoint myself a tastemaker

I think it was in Jezebel, which has best and worst dressed lists, that a writer dismissed capris as if everyone knows that capris are stupid and there is no argument about it.

I have some capris and naturally felt dissed. And then, instead of beating them up about it (in my mind), I decided it would be more fun to join ‘em and declare myself an arbiter of all that is acceptable and all that is not.

I’ll take a page from Tom’s book. He long ago declared shorts on stage (on male musicians, that is) are unacceptable, period. He has insisted on this for so long that I must agree. You cannot rock and roll with your hairy legs showing. Don’t do it. If you can’t deal with sweating in jeans, you're too sissy to rock.

In that spirit, I have decided that big, plastic earrings are unacceptable. No, don’t argue, there is nothing to discuss. So it is said and so it shall be.

Big white plastic earrings with a bathing suit? Beneath discussion.

I’ll be back with more proclamations as they occur to me.

Digg my article


Krystal.Stenseng said...

Well said in a funny manner . . .

Sophie said...

Thanks, Krystal. I figure if I'm not funny, I'll just get myself beat up. And thanks for not wearing large plastic earrings. I take note of such things.

Iggy said...

I declare that what lies beneath said earrings is more important than the earrings themselves!

Iggy (Chauvinist, bon vivant, and tastemaker extraordinaire.)