Thursday, June 5, 2008

seeking middle ground

Dillard's--The message: Don't have sex, don't want it. Call me Mrs. Pickles.

Macy's perfume ad--The message: I am a pain in the ass (times three) at the very least, and possibly insane. Don't have sex, don't want it. Prefer hanging around gay men.

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Jenna said...

I think "pain in the ass times three" is actually too mild. The chick looks insane (which, of course, means that guys probably fall at their feet for her and don't even give her sane-and-interesting-in-a-good-way friends a second glance).

(My word verification for posting this is "phksaaud" -- it almost stopped me from posting. Almost. But, obviously, it didn't. Maybe it should have. Maybe I need more coffee.)

Sophie said...

Oh yeah--you could trigger a rant from me often in movies it's the crazy neurotic weirdo chick that is absolutely IRRESISTIBLE. Yes, all the good women are insane.

Jenna said...

Oh I'd love to trigger a rant. Then I could check that off of my to-do list for the day...

my word verification of the moment: admzav. I think that was part of my haftorah? Or maybe you say it and a rabbit turns into a chicken?

Kitchen buzzer calls..the garlic is done roasting.