Monday, March 17, 2008

For your St. Patrick’s Day, here’s five seconds of fun on a street in Galway. It’s accidental video so it sucks, but I like it anyway. (I forgot my camera shot video and accidentally moved the selector. All the flailing around is me trying to figure out why the shutter wasn't clicking.) It’s both festive and a little frightening, in a scary clowns way.

This photo accompanied a story in today’s Dallas Morning News about how Mexico tourism is suffering because of drug violence. The article was pegged to spring break, the headline is “Spring-breakers brave Mexico despite drug war threat.”

Note to parents: If that’s your daughter in the photo, you’ve got more to worry about than the drug wars. This scene is grotesque to me.

Obscure news you can use: April is National Car Care Month and The Vinegar Institute joins the Car Care Council in offering motorists advice to keep their vehicles in tip-top condition...Put the power of vinegar into your most beloved ride with these quick tips:
* Wipe the length of wiper blades with full-strength white distilled vinegar to remove grime and keep them clean...* Spray or wipe 3 parts white distilled vinegar to 1 part water on windows to keep them frost-free. Repeat every few weeks to keep windows crystal clear...* Dilute white distilled vinegar with water and sponge it into your vehicle’s carpet and blot up to remove stains, ground-in dirt and salt residue...* Don’t forget those once-prized bumper stickers! Saturate the tops and sides of each sticker with full-strength white distilled vinegar and allow to soak through. Scrape them off with an expired credit card. Use additional vinegar to remove any remaining residue. This also works wonders on those cute little stickers children like to decorate the windows with! (Note: Try on a small, inconspicuous area first.)

I loaded up this video mostly to check my Internet connection, which has been hinky, and got all choked up seeing my late brother Oliver as the conductor. (My brother, Nick, the other guy in the vid, is alive and well in NYC. As is Lyn Byrd.) Handsome bunch, ain’t they? In an oh-so-'80s way?

If more flotsam floats my way, I’ll hurl it yours.

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