Sunday, September 28, 2008

dillard's du jour

Dillard's could have the same impact if it simply ran an ad that said, "Dillard's. We're a department store and we sell stuff" as it does with this sad sack selection.

If you are morally opposed to advertising (and aren't we all, just a little?) and its calculated ability to make you crave things you don't need, then you must applaud Dillard's. I feel no pangs of deprivation when I look at this ad. Mostly, I think, "Hey, I have nicer stuff than that."

Perhaps Dillard's is positioning itself as shopping for the non-aspirational. Perhaps in solidarity with that anti-consumerist message, I should now shop only Dillard's. But I already have a hoodie and jeans.

I actually have a friend who shops the Dillard's sales racks frequently and always comes up with cute stuff. But I'm just fascinated, and bumfuzzled, by their marketing plan.

Digg my article


Jenna said...

Oh those shoes. And those tight-around-the-thigh pants. All truly terrible.

But I hope they keep it up because your fascination with their ad campaign amuses me. And, really, the only thing that matters is that, in the end, I'm amused.

Sophie said...

All I really want in life is to amuse you.

Jenna said...

I'm glad your priorities are in order.