Wednesday, September 3, 2008

palin obsession

My friends and I can’t stop talking about Sarah Palin. The choice is so bizarre, so confusing, so insulting to thinking women, we are mesmerized. What was McCain thinking? It seems like a Hail Mary, but he didn’t need that yet.

Tom actually feels sorry for them. He’s so tender-hearted. He thinks the choice was such a monumental goof that McCain is probably already regretting it. And of course, Palin is already being dragged over the coals and the fun has just begun. Surely she’s going to wonder what she’s got herself into. And you gotta figure Bristol is none too pleased with her mom at the moment.

Of course you know that as avid a Hillary supporter as I was, there’s no friggin’ way I’d vote for the McCain-Palin ticket on the basis of genitalia. So put that idea out of your head right now, right here, immediately and you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking it, if you did.

In truth, while nothing could persuade me to vote Republican, I could have respected McCain's decision to put a woman on the ballot if he had chosen, say Kay Bailey Hutchison or Olympia Snowe, who at least have some chops. That would have been a much better transparent play for on-the-fence Hillary voters than Palin. It wouldn't have worked, IMO, but it would have made a lot more sense and been a lot less insulting.

However, I suspect some of my friends think the seemingly misguided choice of Palin is a slam-dunk for Democrats (if I may mix my sports metaphors). I wish I could feel that confident but I am cautiously optimistic at best.

Maybe it’s easy to feel triumphant if you’re a liberal Democrat in Noo Yawk City, surrounded by others of your ilk. But down here in the Red State Bible Belt, things are not so clear cut. Maybe people who believe in the sort of weird family values folderol that the right wing spouts are just mythological horned creatures to my Yankee buds, but they are real down here.

You don’t think anyone can possibly believe Palin to be a good choice, but can you imagine thinking the way the extreme right thinks about, well, anything? That abstinence education is an effective substitute for sex education? That same-sex marriage is a threat to heterosexual marriage? That the right to bear arms should include AK-47s?

As insane as Palin seems as a running mate for one of the oldest first-term presidential candidates ever (Reagan was older when he ran for his second term), we cannot for a second forget that this nation elected W. Twice.

What are they thinking? I haven't a clue. Do you?

Don’t celebrate yet.

Here are some of the blog posts and op-eds that speak to me on this issue.

My friend Christine's blog post about Palin and her family values makes a lot of sense to me.

NYT columnist Bob Herbert suggests that Palin is just another clever distraction from the real issues of our time—she’s the flag burning gay marriage red herring of this year’s election. Yeah, we certainly are distracted.

And here, LAT columnist Sam Harris wonders why anyone would want an average person--even such a sanctified person as a mommy--in such a powerful position. An excellent question.

And in case you missed last night’s Daily Show, this just slayed me:

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh good god, if I hear one more person say "But she's just like me, someone I could be friends with! I love the idea of having a regular, average person in the White House!" I will lose my mind. Since when do we allow regular people to run the country?! I want really, really, really smart, educated, politically savvy, articulate people I can be inspired by to run the country. I want someone 1,000 times smarter than me, and I don't care if we have nothing in common, if s/he's got no personality, if s/he's a pain in the ass, if s/he bakes cookies or doesn't bake cookies, and if s/he has one kid or a dozen. All that stuff is just fluff and I'm continually shocked by how many people I know vote based on the "bubba factor." I do not care if I would feel comfortable hanging out at a barbeque with my presidemt. I just want someone who won't eff it all up. Please?