Saturday, June 28, 2008

on being broke

And lovin' it.

No, not really, but my op-ed in today's Dallas Morning News welcomes the rest of the world to my way of life.

So far, emails from readers have been mostly positive, with one exception, from a man who accused me of getting satisfaction from the "suffering" of others. I wrote back that he needed to define "suffering." Living within one's means isn't's sensible, and if cutting back is that difficult then I guess I do feel sorry for you, and not because you're having to cut back but because it's so painful for you. Time for some soul-searching? Read Mary's companion column about the satisfaction to be found in frugal living. Atta girl!

Another reader, who says he and his wife also life frugally, points out that it appears those who have lived beyond their means will be getting government bailouts, as, he suspects, will the boomers who have not saved for retirement--subsidized by all taxpayers. The grasshoppers may win this round, too.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Since living on my own, I've lived on a pretty frugal budget too, and drive a 1993 car (with my awesome cassette deck and all). All those other "save money" articles don't really do me any good because I already do most of their suggestions.