Friday, June 27, 2008

letters from readers

No, not my readers.

Among the many joys of my morning paper are the letters to the editor. While we do see many, intelligent, thought-provoking letters, nothing delights me and Tom more than the dopey ones. We're mean that way.

We still quote to each other letters we read years ago--like one from a woman who wrote at length about how they were serving snacks at her bank and there is a bank at her supermarket. "My, how things have changed," she concluded.

She wrote it, the editors ran it, we've been laughing at it since.

The last line of these letters, the wrap-up, is invariable the best part because they tend to make sweeping proclamations, quotable for years to come.

Don't just take my word for it...try this:


Anybody out there listening?

Another reader responded to the letter by pointing out that pico de gallo is a lot healthier than BLTs.

And finally, this one has no particularly quotable last line, but it's very special.

I got yr F word, Sarah.

Then again, imagining a league of ladies breastfeeding "with gusto" is pretty amusing.

Digg my article


Karen Harrington said...

LUV it!

And thanks for the MySpace warning. Good to know.

Iggy said...

"Then again, imagining a league of ladies breastfeeding "with gusto" is pretty amusing."

I believe they go "Ole!" when their child has finished.

Sophie said...

That would be con mucho gusto.

Iggy said...

Did I mention use of castanets to add emphasis to the Ole?

Anonymous said...

If I had a dime for everytime discussing tomatoes has lead to an immigration debate...

Sophie said...

If you read the paper regularly you realize that all topics lead to the immigration debate.

Unknown said...

I'm trying to think of a good "breastfeeding with gusto" story but I'm too busy laughing at the guy who thinks "pico de gallo" is code for "and then the Mexicans will take over the world!"