Monday, August 25, 2008

monday this n that

So, this cycling site linked to my feet slideshow and evidently, according to one commenter, I have "Morton's Toe." The things you learn online...I had no idea. I wonder if Morton is getting around OK without it.

I have an op-ed in today's paper. I have received two reader emails so far. One is a very nice note from a fellow who, it turns out, lives right down the street and designs needlepoints. The other is a racist rant from a fellow named Vance who fled my neighborhood in 1970 and sternly advises me to do the same. Yuck. One hates to admit people like him actually exist. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

I have lots of things to discuss here as soon as I have time ... but I have a busy day ahead and now must dash.

Digg my article


Joel the Pole said...

I got Morton's toe also. it means your second toe extends longer than your first toe. I've noticed no ill affects from it.

Jenna said...

Well, you haven't -- but poor Morton is not doing well. He's having a terrible time getting around.