One of my favorite NYT bloggers, Tara Parker-Pope, has
posted a list of the best online psychology quizzes. Ooooooh. Fun! I’ve already taken a personality
quiz. I can’t say it nailed me 100 percent, but pretty darn close. To wit:
To quote the Hershey chocolate company, "sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." That pretty much sums up your score on the trait of emotional stability. There are times when you feel such intensity of emotions, mostly negative, that you just want to lie down and spend the day thinking about how you can score Prozac. In other contexts (like when you are on your meds), you feel just fine - calm, happy, ready to face the day. The emotions cancel each other out and you look like you are dealing with life fairly well statistically.
You may fall into one of two categories - you secretly wish that people would talk to you so that they can see what an absolutely wonderful, interesting, and charming creature you are OR you secretly (not so secretly wish) that people would just go away.This is nothing I didn’t know already, but I love taking quizzes. And ruminating about myself. So this is the best of all possible timesucks.
By the way, what the hell does “to wit” mean? I don't even really understand the explanation
Did I tell you that we have finally trained Jack to let us brush his ass and tail? This was a major breakthrough, since he has a very hairy ass. Sometimes he comes home dragging small trees tangled in its awesome hairiness. So now, Tom posts himself at the front end with cut up hot dogs and I post myself at the back with a brush and Jack gets treats while I brush.
A friend asked, “How come you get the poopy end?” I have no answer for that. But Jack looks much better.
In fact, Jack is generally better than ever. He’s a good boy, yes he is. He doesn’t lunge at fenced dogs anymore. He’s mostly calm when we have visitors, unless they pay him too much attention and then he might give a little “chill, dude” growl or a “back off” bark. This scares some people but I think they should chill. He’s just making his feelings known. I greatly appreciate those friends who don’t act all hoobie-goobie around him because it helps socialize him. We had friends over the other day who own a Giant German Shepherd. Yes, that’s actually the breed. This dog is huge. I don’t know if he’s actually bigger than a Great Dane, but he seems it. Anyway, these people were great with Jack. He barked once, but it didn’t faze them. That made me very happy.
The DMN had an article about possible breed-specific laws and I loved the fact that Chihuahuas appear in the list of top breeds involved in dog-bite reports in a couple of Dallas 'burbs. With breeds like Jack (part Chow) and pit bulls, at which legislation is aimed, people pretty much know to proceed with caution. But nobody worries about Chihuahuas. I bet a bite from those little teeth can hurt, though.
Actually, the biggest problem I have with Jack these days is that he’s such a drag-ass when we walk. Honestly, I’m not capable of walking as slowly as he does.
Oh, and I really should give up on buying stuff for him. Beds? Fawgeddaboudit? Toys? Nah. I bought him a wading pool for the dog days we just experienced here. He drank from it but otherwise ignored it.
Speaking of dog stories,
this great episode of This American Life, about breaking up, has a great little dog story at the end, by the hilarious Merrill Markoe, who used to be David Letterman's main squeeze and who helped him create The Late Show. Click through to her
website just to read her intro page.
Apropos to nothing (except flotsam)—I liked
this Everyday Health article about emotional eating. Made sense to me.
Oh, and speaking of touchy-feely stuff, a friend who teased me about my new obsession with energy--using it and saving it (as discussed
here and
here)--recently encountered a situation where the energy concept came in very handy. Somebody was trying to drag her into some drama and she just decided no, it was not worth the energy. By thinking that way, she saved herself a lot of grief and wasted energy. She was kind enough to tell me about this and I loved hearing it. This just goes to show you that I am right. Don't fight it. I just am.
I am struggling to maintain a workout regime. I skipped yoga for so long, that after I returned last week, I was sore. Yikes. I’m not sure how to get re-motivated. I do a little bit here, a little bit there. Then I have a PB&J foldover (which was today’s lunch) and am racked with guilt.
So, my new TV addiction is Skins (look
here). Seen it yet? Those Brits are so edgy. The lead teen is the boy who played Hugh Grant’s geeky little friend in
About A Boy. He’s not geeky anymore.
OK. Happy weekend.