Tuesday, January 6, 2009

dog game

Oh you lucky, lucky people. Santa Tom brought me a Flip video camera, which means lots of video fun ahead. Or maybe just a little video fun ahead. We'll see.

Primitive as this is, here we have a short video from my early filmmaking career--back in December 2008.

My favorite part is the "atta boy." I said it but I didn't really mean it.


mskrit said...

You were filming him and he knew the light was better closer to the trees. He also made sure you got the right camera angle.

Atta boy indeed.

Sophie said...

Imagine how handsome he'd look in candlelight.

mskrit said...

Now I keep picturing him in a dark room holding a flashlight up to his open mouth.

Maybe he's just been a frustrated indie filmmaker all this time.

Cynthia said...

Wonderful! Made me smile. He's so pretty who cares if he isn't a kow-tower. Ha!

Karen Harrington said...

I got a Flip Video Camera, too! Yay, us.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh-ha....you've told me about this game of "fetch," but it really is so much funnier when you see it happen. Thanks for the laugh. And good camera-ing!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the famous Jack "fetch" game we've all heard about. Hilarious!

DogBlogger said...

Very good work. Which couldn't have been accomplished without the valuable production assistant.

Sophie said...

The late production assistant, now just toothpicks...