Thursday, October 16, 2008

morning paper

I don't have to tell you how much bad news there is in the paper these days. Dismal.

That's why I like to ignore the real news and concentrate on everything else to get my morning laughs.

For example--what, exactly, is happening to this woman?

If you buy new windows you are then consumed by balloons?

Then we have the ever-entertaining apoplectic readers:

And a special shout-out to Dear Abby for this:

That is all. I am busy.

Digg my article


Karen Harrington said...

Thanks! I needed that. Oh, and if you REALLY want to laugh, read the newspaper classified on Fail Blog today.

Sophie said...

I had a huge laugh.

Anonymous said...

It's a great day Sophie. McCain/Palin are toast. I've already voted. I think I'll rake my leaves.

Sophie said...

McCain was just plain bizarre last night. Twitchy and blinky and pissed off. And I suspect he's had his forehead Botoxed.
I think you're right.

Iggy said...

She's being consumed by the balloons? I thought she was trying to one-up Sally Rand.