Friday, August 8, 2008

flotsam friday

Yeah, what the heck. I’ve been rummaging around my hard drive…let’s go flotsam today.

Cartoon flotsam:

A couple of people sent this to me. I can’t imagine why.

The New Yorker has a tendency to repeat comics. I can’t remember if I posted these before but if I did, they made me laugh again so maybe they’ll make you laugh again.

So here is today’s dog cartoon and here is today’s meditation cartoon.

Video flotsam:
Yeah. I rarely watch videos people send me either. But here are a couple of cool ones, FWIW.

This is the cutest goddam puppy video ever.

And here is a skill I plan to perfect someday.

Flotsam flotsam:

Ever wonder what your favorite phone sex operator looks like? Check it out.

I like to mock drummers for no particular reason but the New York Times says they’re fit mofos.

Ever wonder what I look like at work? Here I am in the World Blogging Sweatshop. I’m the one in the red shirt.

Digg my article


Unknown said...

You are absolutely right about the puppy video. Cutest ever! Thanks.


Mr. Rid said...

Clem Burke's great. I've met him and he's really into fitness. Definitely the anti- Keith Moon.