Monday, August 11, 2008

big nuthin

Is it just me or is everyone quiet these days?

I seem not to be bursting with information and opinions I feel compelled to share. I suspect all bloggers reach a point like this, especially those of us who rely on blather over information. Considering how long I’ve been yammering at y’all, I’ve managed to last a long time before hitting a wall.

I’ve been looking back at some old posts. Wow, I sure had a lot to say. Impressive. These days I can barely compile a good head of flotsam. What’s to become of me?

Of course, I’m not hearing much of anything from anyone else, either. My email is a total dead zone. I suppose I can again blame midsummer malaise. We were promised a cool front today in Dallas but that never materialized. It rained for a few minutes and now the air is like a warm, mildewed washcloth. Who can think in such a climate?

I got nuthin’, people. Absolutely nuthin’. Let me think and rummage through my email and links collections and maybe tomorrow I will once again sparkle with wit and wisdom. Maybe.

I'm open to suggestions of subjects on which you would like me to pontificate. Anything I can update?

I'm probably not meditating enough.

Digg my article

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I know exactly what you mean -- I feel like I'm buried deep in my own little world of work and other stuff right now and, well, i don't have much to say to anybody else about anything much. And my email box is quiet (well, at least when it comes to people I like to hear from -- annoying crap is still finding its way to me). I forced myself to haiku tonight -- -- and it was kind of fun once I got started but, at first, even the thought of putting 17 syllables down about anything in particular flummoxed me silly. Though I do seem to have a whole lot to say about saying nothing. Odd. Hmmm.