Saturday, May 10, 2008

mother's day

Dear MILF,

It annoys me that you're hotter than I am so here are some hideous, dumpy outfits so my boyfriend stops looking at you like you're a sweet piece of mom-candy.

Happy Mother's Day!


Your daughter


Iggy said...

Yes, let us all pause and remember Tahnee Welch (Cocoon?...Anyone?!)and how annoying EVERY Mother's Day must have been for her in her teens, her twenties, her thirties, ad infinitum.

Karen Harrington said...

Too funny!

Sophie said...

I wish I had a bigger scanner so I could show the whole tragic page. The pants are capris worn with crapified flip-flops. And along the side, the same outfits in other cheery colors. Such an abomination against motherhood.