Thursday, March 13, 2008

this did not improve my mood

I got a slip in my PO box about a package I needed to claim because I guess it didn't fit in the box. It's taken me weeks to find the time to claim the package because post offices are so slow. I've tried a couple of times but I had places to go and couldn't wait it out.

Finally today, I carved out time to wait, however long it took. My post office has a "Quick Window" for such non-cash transactions. "Quick" is used loosely. In fact, I could have waited on line for the slow window and gotten there about the same time someone moseyed up to the quick window and helped me. OK, it was maybe 5 minutes, but I rang and knocked several times and the clerks behind the counter, who could see me standing there, carefully avoided making eye contact with me.

I finally got the package.

So, what was this special delivery I wasted precious minutes of my life on? A large poster showing where all the Intercontinental Hotels in the world are located.

A massive waste of time, money and paper. What did they imagine I would do with this? Frame it? Hang it? It won't fit into my files. I'm sure I can learn whatever I need to know online, and I don't need to know anyway.

Straight into the recycling bin it goes. Little is stupider than stupid PR.


Anonymous said...

Our corporate office sends stupid promotional posters and stuff like that to the agent's office I work in. It always goes straight to trash bin. Waste of money AND time.

They at least overnight it DHL, and the driver has an amazingly sexy Barry White-esque voice so I annoy the crap out of him by asking him questions about his day and the weather just so he'll talk. So at least there's one good thing.

Penjelajah Dunia Maya said...

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