Tuesday, November 11, 2008

nonlinear blogging

Since I’m not getting much work these days anyway, I thought I’d shoot myself in the foot completely and publish this op-ed about what I call the luxurification of America. Now all the luxury publications I met with at the travel conference will decide I’m not fit to work for them and I can go back to kvetching about the injustice of the travel writing business.

Change of subject…

The contractions in the newspaper business continue. I got three emails yesterday alone from the editor of the syndicate I write for about travel editors moving on, travel sections being folded into other sections. One editor who is taking a buyout urged others to keep fighting the good fight but that’s easy for him to say. There is no real fight anymore, it’s just scrambling for dry ground while the ship sinks.

You’ll miss newspapers when they’re gone and TV news talking heads are forced to just make shit up.

Change of subject…

How many old CD racks do you have floating around your house? As technology becomes obsolete, so do the peripherals surrounding it. What shall we use those CD racks for? They look like toast racks but who eats that much toast? My brother had a big standing wire CD rack he was getting rid of but before he chucked it, we set it on the coffee table and considered the possibilities for a while. The only even marginal idea we came up with was for storing jewelry—you could clip earrings on it and with hooks, hang necklaces. In the end, though, he threw it away. Whoever comes up with a solution to this question could make a million dollars. And then move on to repurposing cassette tape racks.

Change of subject...

Looky, the goddam shoe wheel now comes in pink. Perhaps that would make a good gift?

Tom actually unpacked the giant box of food storage containers. Hold me, I'm frightened...

Change of subject...

Speaking of gifts, surely you know someone who would love this. Or maybe this.

OK, I think I've run out of random thoughts for the moment.

Digg my article


mskrit said...

cd racks can move to the garden and become art and/or trellises and/or props and/or ways to keep Avenging Unicorns out of your garden beds---although the shoe rack would probably put the fear in any yard invader.

Anonymous said...

What we once considered luxuries are now seen as basic services. Just ask any teen. It makes me want to throw it all and revisit my minimalist past.

Joel the Pole said...

Hey, I never through my vinyl out why should I throw my CDs out. My cd racks are still in use.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering why the shoe wheel has wheels. What normal person needs to roll around a wheel full of shoes?

Sophie said...

I suppose so you can roll it in and out of a closet. But really, what normal person has a shoe wheel at all?

The food storage container cabinet is now a very beautiful thing. They all stack and we have much more room in the cabinet. Tom is very proud.