Monday, February 25, 2008

yesterday's news

I apologize that I cannot dish about last night's Oscars. I watched about 30 minutes and fell asleep. Very, very asleep.

So, on an entirely different subject...

I love reading newspapers when I travel and the Indian newspapers were particularly entertaining.

I had a hard time connecting the gracious, friendly, gentle and soft-spoken people I encountered on the trip with the frequent news stories I read of politicians trading insults, angry protests, strikes, raids, violence…Still waters, I guess.

I also enjoyed the coverage of Bollywood, even though I know none of the stars. It’s always refreshing to visit a country that doesn’t rely on America for pop culture, as so many seem to. In one big story, a Bollywood star (male) quelled rumors that he had married his Bollywood girlfriend by pointing out that she still lives with her mother. She’s a nice girl, see?

Anyway, I clipped a few of my favorite things from newspapers to share with you. (And since I did see news stories about India’s lack of intellectual property laws, I have thrown caution to the wind and scanned this stuff in.)

Valentine’s Day received a huge amount of ink but my favorite is this photo of a couple obviously having the romantic time of their lives. Where is the love?

Oh, here is the love, if you yearn to spend your life with a “strict disciplinarian.” Yikes.

I caught only the tail end of stories about dancing bans in Bangalore, but I did find this tidbit intriguing. And we did see eunuchs around town—they look like transvestites in saris.

Anyone need a uterus wall hanging?

And finally, the Times of India (which I preferred to The Hindu) includes an essay of guru-es que wisdom in every issue. I liked this one. (I think if you click on it, it will be large enough to read.)

1 comment:

Iggy said...

I think "When Secret Service Agents Date" would have been a better title for that photo of the couple in the cup.